Cherokee Water Blessing Song
I originally found this tune and two
others on a U-tube performance of Barry
Bailey, Cherokee musician playing the
cedar flute. The Cherokee were one of
the few tribes that resolved to assimilate
into White Culture during the late
17 and early 1800s. For a time, until the
Indian Removal Act of the US Congress
in 1838, the Cherokee farmed the land in
the Carolinas, owned slaves, built towns,
etc. I also thought it possible that some
of them might have taken up the fiddle.
It so happens that Major John Norton, a
Mohawk chief of Scottish descent kept a
journal of a trip to the Cherokee Nation
in 1809-1810 wherein he describes being entertained by Cherokee fiddlers playing
traditional Cherokee tunes for dancers.
Then to his surprise, these same
fiddlers played some English fiddle tunes
while the dancers lined up for contra
dancing. (Castro) Chris fiddle: gdae.